The Truth about the Modern Nation of “Israel”

If you’re willing to let truth, facts, history, the bible, and undeniable whistleblower testimony correct the propagandized, incorrect perspective that the modern state of Israel a move of God, then watch the below video and read the booklets from Dr. Stephen Jones. You’ll learn that the modern state of Israel was created by the Rothschilds (elites, cabal, illuminati, etc.) to aid them in their quest for a one-world government and world domination, and is 100% satanic.

Everything else that you’ve learned are lies, deception, twisted scriptures, false interpretations, and propaganda.

The Mystery of Israel – SOLVED – This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on those who have always been hiding behind the state of Israel. This film can deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a world government to enslave all of humanity.

The Struggle for the Birthright – The dispute over that thin strip of land called Palestine and Israel has been the single issue in the past fifty years that is dragging the world into disaster. Many Christians have foreseen this great conflict by reading the Bible, but very few really understand how God views it. This book traces the history of that conflict from the beginning.

Who is a Jew – 30 pages. In Romans 2:2829 Paul tells us who IS a Jew and who is NOT a Jew. God’s answer to this question cannot be obtained by looking at one’s genetics, but by the lawful requirements of citizenship in a tribe of Israel. This shows how those Jews who accepted Christ and all others who accept Him as King-Messiah have legally joined the tribe of Judah and are thus “Jews”. On the other hand, those who have rejected Him are NOT Jews at all, because they have revolted against the King of Judah and have forfeited their citizenship in Judah.

Who is an Israelite – This 60-page book is a natural sequel to the book, “Who is a Jew?” It traces the natural Israelites (i.e., ex-Israelites of the dispersion) from Israel to Assyria and on into Europe and other parts of the world. However, it also shows that being an Israelite is a matter of lawful citizenship. To become a citizen of Israel requires accepting Jesus Christ as the Birthright Holder of Joseph in His second coming. In other words, one must be an overcomer to be an Israelite. This was how Jacob received the name “Israel” at the beginning.

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Further Thoughts on Feminism and Colorism

I’ve been thinking about the stupidity of #feminism today. And the same can be said for “#colorism”. If you think you’re special or powerful because of your gender or color, then I’m sorry for the harsh words, but you’re really just plain stupid. Ignorant. And the same can be said if you think less of others because of THEIR gender or skin color. That’s just as stupid. Really, really stupid. Totally ignorant. And if you propagate that stupidity by influencing your children, grandchildren, family, friends, neighbors, etc by regularly expressing those viewpoints, then you cross the line from stupidity to evil. It’s evil to teach others to place special value and demand special consideration based solely on gender or skin color. If your character isn’t good enough to garner respect, praise, admiration, etc; then it’s 100% YOUR fault; not your gender or color. WAKE UP!

A human’s specialness and power come from one place; your character. Male, female, black, white, etc are simply physical traits from how God created you. Your character is YOUR choice regarding how you use the physical & psychological traits that you were born with to CHOOSE how you treat other people. Choose righteously and consistently over long periods of time, and you WILL BE respected & praised. Lean on demanding respect and praise based solely on gender or skin color, and those with truly good character will tolerate you, love you, and be good to you; but never respect. #Wisdom will never respect stupidity. #Selah

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On Feminism

I just learned that the #feminism movement was strategically designed, funded, and implemented by the Rockefellers for the double purpose of: 1. doubling the number of taxable wage earners thereby enriching & empowering them further , and 2. getting children into public school at a young age for indoctrination (NOT education), so that their selfish & twisted worldview is what they grow up with instead of your wholesome beliefs, character, and values.

If you subscribed to feminist ideology, congratulations; you were deceived into taking part in contributing to the disintegration of the strength & health of the family unit and to advancing the most evil people in the world’s agenda.

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Heaven & Hell, or Life & Death?

It’s never been about heaven and hell, but about life and death.

• In the garden, God said if you eat of the wrong tree that you’ll die; not get burned alive forever.

• In Romans 6, Paul said the wages of sin is death; not never-ending fiery torture.

• When Jesus came to pay the penalty for sin, He died on the cross; and didn’t burn alive for times without end.

• It’s always been about life and death, not heaven and hell.

• In 1 Cor 15:22 Paul taught us that everyone who was affected by Adam’s sin/death will be affected by Christ’s life. All means all.

• [1Co 15:22 NKJV] 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

• So if death is the real enemy, then it’s awesome news, also in 1 Cor 15, that the last enemy (death) is destroyed. Death can only be destroyed by one thing; resurrection life.

• [1Co 15:25-26 NKJV] 25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. 26 The last enemy [that] will be destroyed [is] death.

• So if it’s really about life and death, and death is eventually destroyed, then considering all the passages about judgement and wrath, our quest is to understand the nature, purpose, and duration of the judgments.

• Book recommendations:

• Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin

• At the End of the Ages, the Abolition of Hell by Bob Evely

• Two Studies on Heaven and Hell by A.E. Knoch. Read for free here:

• Deep studies on the correct translation of the words “forever” and “eternal”. Read for free here:

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Thoughts and Observations on Satan’s Plan to Destroy the Family

Satan’s progressive, long-term strategy to destroy that family unit, and confuse humanity regarding sexuality.  (Because family is God’s #1 strategy for passing His grace from generation to generation)

His main strategy is to push normalization, acceptance, then legalization.  This is what sows evil/corruption into the very fabric of society, and removes any sense of conscience in favor of what makes each person feel good. He starts with tempting individuals into evil, then when he has enough, he moves to normalization.

  • Industrial revolution – Got men to leave the family & homestead to make easier money but left enormous burdens on the wife/mother to run the household all day, every day.
  • Legalize divorce – People used to have to go before a judge (wisdom) for him to decide whether a divorce is warranted or not.  It became much easier to simply file.
  • Free-love movement – created a generation of people who trashed the sacredness of sex between a husband and wife, for simple pleasure.
  • Legalize abortion – Wipes out the consequences for free-loving.
  • Homosexualism – Pushed to make socially acceptable, then legal, then praiseworthy.  Can’t procreate, and twists psyche.
  • Transgenderism – Deepens confusion about simple biology and God as creator and drives narcissistic mental illness deep. Current stage is that Satan is aggressively pushing the normalization & legalization to get this sown into the fabric of society.
  • Pedophilia – This is already vastly more widespread than most realize, but there is also covert and very strong movement towards normalization and legalization occurring.
  • Bestiality – Still very taboo to the vast majority but occurring at higher rates than most would believe.  Satan is mostly working on the individual level still, leading people into this evil 1 by 1.  Normalization and legalization will be pushed next.
  • AI – Artificial intelligence is his end-game.  God-created humans no longer exist as we are now part human and part machine, but the machine is in total control and is programmed by the now astronomically twisted view of right and wrong.  This is Satan’s twisted version of God’s “new creation”.

Come Lord Jesus!

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A Woman’s Place?

For so many years, I’ve heard it taught over and over about women/wives submitting to men/husbands, and of course there is definite wisdom here because there are obvious passages in the bible that speak to it.  But I think this is [what I call] a “default setting”, meaning that it’s the basic playbook, when we’re not discerning the Spirit’s voice; like running plays on the practice field without deviation from form or position.  But I believe that we’re called to move on from this basic playbook into the spiritual game of life, whereby we all (male AND female) are operating by the Holy Spirit and there is mutual submission.  This is the call or standard.  In the absence of a clear hearing-of-His-voice, then we operate according to the default setting.  But if/when a woman becomes spiritually mature (which is hopefully, largely in part to a husband’s ministry to her), then in the kingdom we are to transcend these basic gender boundaries, and follow the Shepherd regardless of who He speaks through.  And husbands need to learn to be humble and follow their wives when they are the ones who have the word of the Lord.

I have also noticed that many of the men who strongly teach/preach/demand this submission from women/wives seem to be passive and/or are lacking the character and fruit that naturally grows respect and submission from women, and then react to a woman’s lack of submission by hammering the submission passages and calling them to “walk by faith” in submitting to their foolishness.  They want to hold to the old/basic form of the default setting but are denying the power of God to raise up women who walk by the Spirit and can rule and reign equal to men.  (1 Tim 3:5) Repent whoever you are and acknowledge God’s power to manifest the Spirit of your Christ through all flesh.

But thanks much in part to my godly wife’s example, and other spiritually mature female friends and female bible teachers, I’ve seen that there’s higher angle from which to view this gender friction.

The world’s answer has been the perversion of feminism.   But as all of the devil’s moves in the world are, this is simply the counterfeit of something true and powerful in the kingdom.  And in the church many women who have felt the call to rule like when Moses heard God stirring his heart to lead Israel.  And some women have tried to manifest this call by the flesh and ended up becoming Jezebel’s, like when Moses fleshed out his call by killing the Egyptian. But these negative examples shouldn’t negate the reality that God is transcending gender and raising up spiritually mature and powerful “sons of God”, who are male and/or female.  His Spirit flows through male and female alike, and His sheep follow His voice regardless of the vessel through which it flows.

One scripture that I’ve been meditating on this week has been 2 Corinthians 5:16 Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh.  To call a woman to submission solely based on her gender, is to regard her after the flesh.  Without those differentiating body parts, the only way to regard her would be according to her spirit; or her spiritual maturity.  And I think in the kingdom, this is how we are called to be regarding each other; based on the spirit and not the flesh.

Who am I not to submit to the Spirit of the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and High Priest simply because He is coming through a female body?  Christ is the ruler of His kingdom, and we are all called to follow our Shepherd regardless of who He speaks through; and so we had better learn put aside our fleshly egos and to hear his voice regardless of whether He speaks through women, children, or donkeys.  When He speaks, we obey…period.

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Thoughts on “how to” live the Christian life.

In chewing on the simplest, most basic explanation for “how to” live the Christian life, I believe the juiced-down answer is to die.  Christ’s life, resurrection life, only flows from one place: a tomb…death.

A Christian man is a 3-part being: body, soul (mind/will/emotions) and spirit. Before we’re born again, all that we have to live by is body and soul. But once we’re born again, Christ literally comes to live inside our spirit providing a new life form to choose to live by. That’s why we’re a “new creation”. We’re no longer simply human, but we’re human mixed with divinity. But Christ’s life flowing through us is far from automatic. We must choose which life we’re going to express on a moment-by-moment basis, and 100% of our quick reactions to life and situations flow from body and soul. So when we are tempted to react, we must stop, die, turn to Jesus and ascertain His response to the situation, and then choose to express His flowing life instead of ours.

A lot of people get born again, but never learn how to live by Christ from the inside-out. So what they end up with is a religiously trained body and soul, nice-guy, do-gooder, church-going kind of person, but bears little to no fruit, doesn’t advance the kingdom or defeat the enemy, and just sit back and wait for the rapture. Or they just keep living a fleshly life and doubt their conversion experience because “nothing changed”.

So “how” do we do this dying?

  • Body – When our body is lusting for something that it shouldn’t, then we deny it (die to it), turn inwardly to Jesus in our spirit until we are “hearing” what He’s saying about the thing we’re lusting after, and then give expression (walk out) His response; which includes the grace/power to do it.
  • Soul –
    • Mind – When our mind is reasoning in such a way (normally to justify something that shouldn’t be justified), then we take those thoughts captive (die to them), turn to Jesus on the inside of us, hear His thoughts about the topic, then move forward choosing His thoughts that are literally flow from our spirit.
    • Will – When we are determined to have our way in a situation or being tempted to impose our will on someone else unrighteously, then we die to our willfulness and turn to Jesus deep inside to tune-into His will, and then express that instead.
    • Emotions – When our emotions are stirred up and pressing us to give vent to them, then we KEEP OUR MOUTH SHUT and turn to Jesus deep inside of us until we sense His feelings on the matter, and then let those flow out through us.

I believe our mouth is a master key to this death-to-Life transaction. Since the flesh has an instant reaction to everything, almost always flowing from selfishness, then when we are tempted to react, if we’ll keep our mouth shut and turn to Jesus on the inside, continuing to silently press into Him until like an oil-well His life rises up, and we give expression of His life through our soul and body, then we are living the Christian life that will actually bear fruit and overcome.

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Thoughts on “ministry” and the future of “the church”

Ministry is wonderful, signs and wonders are incredible, and planting churches is super important. However, TONS of ministry has always been and continues to be a significant mixture of spirit & self. In other words, even though we’re ministering to others, much of our motivations from deep inside are really all about ourselves. And for many, “doing ministry” allows us to only get involved in other people’s messes to the point that are comfortable with, and then we can walk away and go back home and turn it all off. Not so in family life.

Paul taught us in 1 Corinthians 4:15 that though we have 10,000 teachers in Christ, we do not have many fathers. I believe this reveals a powerful insight from Paul’s troubled heart about a crucial element that the church was and continues to be in dire need of.

Ministers, counselors, teachers, therapists, and the like are helpful; but are mostly props and Band-Aids needed due to a lack of high-quality parenting that was not done.

In the coming season where believers get more and more disillusioned with the world system and the institutional churches, and folks continue to try and live out true kingdom community, house churches, organic churches, whatever you’d like to call it; I believe the closest perspective to our heavenly Father’s heart is that these communities are designed to be family. And families are only functional, growing, and healthy if there are mature, wise, loving, patient, firm spiritual fathers and mothers. Who like in healthy natural families, view their role not as a “ministry”; but as sacrificing their lives, time, money, wisdom, & all resources to patiently raise a family to grow strong & productive in every way. Some to stay and continue long-term family life in their local community, and others to be scattered and take with them what was imported during their growing season.

The spirit of Elijah will go before Jesus to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready people prepared for the Lord Luke 1:17.

May the Lord raise up an army of spiritual fathers & mothers.

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“The heavens declare the glory of God.” (Psalm 19)

The solar system is a great testimony to Jesus’ preeminence. As long as the sun is at the center and everything else is orbiting around it, then life is balanced and goes on. There’s still suffering, trials, life, and death. But these are all just part of the life-cycle. But if the earth somehow deviated 1 inch from it’s position, much less actually took the sun’s place the center, then all life would cease to exist. Ultimate & final death.

Jesus is to have the center, central, & preeminence (Col 1).

In the areas of our lives where there’s suffering & pain, a great question is to ask if it’s just normal trials that the Lord is using to refine grow us (transformation)? (Like storms & seasons on the earth) Or are there an areas where Jesus isn’t central? It’s a great gut-check to be brutally honest with ourselves, and prayerfully look at our deepest motives and see if Jesus really is our core motivation. Or is it pride, fear, ego, people-pleasing, etc…..selfishness/self-centeredness?

Lord Jesus, you are worthy of our orbiting around you. Teach us how to give you the preeminence in our heart, marriage, parenting, work-life, church-life, friend-life, and family-life. Your are the Life!

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The Song of the Season

I believe this song, with one tweak, is the song of the season. The tweak was to change the individual references of “me” (for example) to community references of “us”; to expand the psalm-like prayer into a more transcendent cry from the body of Christ. Of course our individual worship in the Lord is wonderful, but our corporate worship is exponentially multiplied in beauty and power.


In the crushing
In the pressing
You are making
New wine
In the soil, we
Now surrender
You are breaking
New ground

So we yield to You and to Your careful hand
When we trust You we don’t need to understand

Make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
We came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us

In the crushing
In the pressing
You are making
New wine
In the soil, we
Now surrender
You are breaking
New ground (hey)
You are breaking
New ground

So make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
We came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us

‘Cause where there is new wine
There is new power
There is new freedom
And the kingdom is here
We lay down our old flames
To carry Your new fire today (oh today)

‘Cause where there is new wine
There is new power
There is new freedom
And the kingdom is here
We lay down our old flames
To carry Your new fire today

So make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
God, We came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us

Make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
We came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Sing that again, make us

Make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
God, we came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Oh, Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us (oh, Jesus)
Jesus, bring new wine out of us

It means we’re getting back on the altar
Let’s sing this to render everything, Lord
New wine out of us
Jesus, Jesus, bring new wine out of us (keep going)
Jesus, Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Oh, Jesus, bring new wine out of us

‘Cause where there is new wine
There is new power
There is new freedom
And the kingdom is here
We lay down our old flames
To carry Your new fire today
Where there is new wine

‘Cause where there is new wine
There is new power
There is new freedom
And the kingdom is here
We lay down our old flames
To carry Your new fire today

So make us Your vessel
Make us an offering
Make us whatever You want us to be
We came here with nothing
But all You have given us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us, Jesus
Jesus, bring new wine out of us
Jesus, bring new wine out of us

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